A downloadable game

Currently in Prototype stage! It is still actively being worked on. If you have questions please feel free to email me at SteamPunkFool909@gmail.com, or tweet me at @PublicVoidStart (or leave a comment on this post). This game will be available for Linux, Windows, and hopefully Android. And i update my Twitter often.

Escaping from a world at war you hop on a Colony Ship heading for a new planet. Hit by a stray blaster cannon shot your ship is damaged. The only one reawakened is you, and failing to fix the ship or even divert its course. You try to awaken the crew. They have all died mysteriously in their hibernation pods. Running back to the Resident pods you see everyone is dead. The life support systems failed, only saving you before melting entirely. Bailing on the ship you escape to a dead red planet, only about 6792 km in diameter. Tiny compared to your home world. Even small compared to the Progenitor planet long lost to time. Barely making out of it alive you run to what seams to be an abandoned colony named with the words Curiosity etched next to the front Airlock. Thankfully the colony has working power, water recycle, and oxygen creation. However the power goes out at about 12:05 every day for 5 minutes, at that point all bets are off. You must stock oxygen and a flashlight or stumble your way around and suffocate. Planting potatoes and carrots in the red dusty soil you can supply food besides the bland rations scavenged from the abandoned colony. Mining Lithium and Titanium nodes you can fix up the generator, stopping the power outages and unlocking the ability to create robots. Overtime you can create a beautiful colony, maybe even attract people to it. Create a new society without the war, without the horror and evil of the divided outside. If you don't lost your sanity first ;)

I have been want to make this game for a while (since before my time with unity), and so it has been stewing in my mind for an extended period, so its really cool to be able to make it!